This week I'm a little slow with producing a room (it's already Wednesday and all I have is an idea) so I thought I'd tell a little bit about myself because this is the internet and where else can I talk about myself with wild abandonment? Well, not exactly wild.
Who are you?
I am a stay-at-home mom who lives in New Hampshire. I am neither a graphic nor an interior designer. The only degree I have is a Bachelor's in English.
Why did you start this blog?
I love design and I love to internet window shop. I also usually hate theme rooms so I thought I'd challenge myself to make theme rooms that aren't so bad. If I do say so myself.
What is your personal design aesthetic?
I generally like a little bit of everything. The only design aesthetics I do not like are overly sterile barren rooms and overly cluttered rooms. I like a happy medium and I like personality. I also tend to gravitate towards cool colors.
What would you dream room look like?
Well, I'm not really sure. I've seen rooms that capture certain elements I love but I've never seen one (including my own) that is absolutely perfect for me. I don't know if that's because my standards are too high, because I change my mind easily, or there is no such thing as perfect anything. The last one is probably the case. I do really like this room I found on Flickr from the now defunct Domino magazine. It's a very lovely bedroom and I wouldn't mind sleeping here at all.
I love the soothing blue tones and the art hanging above the bed. That being said, if this were my room there are some things that I would do differently. I'm not fond of rice paper lamps so the one above the bed would have to go. I would also use different table lamps. Maybe these
lamps from West Elm instead:
I think the truth in all design is most of us are really just working with the elements we already have. In all likelihood that bedroom's occupant sorta just ended up with those lamps (assuming it's not a staged room). That's probably true for about 90% of the stuff I own. Something was a good deal or someone gave it to me or I found it. I just try to make my home look pretty with what I've got. And if I had a decent camera I would show you some of my things.
Thank you for reading this and thank you for reading my blog.